The Most Known Olympic Sports

Official Olympic Flag
Official Olympic Flag / Getty Images/GettyImages

How much do you know about the Olympic Games? Most people only think of the Summer Games, which only happens every four years. But the Olympic Games have a long and rich history, dating all the way back to 776 BC.

The History of the Olympic Games

The history of the Olympic Games is as fascinating as the games themselves. The original Olympic Games were first recorded in 776 BC in Olympia, Greece, and were celebrated until AD 393.

The Olympics celebrated athleticism and physical prowess, and only unmarried men free from military service were allowed to compete. Contestants competed in track and field, chariot racing, wrestling, boxing, and the pentathlon.

Today's most popular Olympic sports are gymnastics, table tennis, track and field, swimming, weightlifting, soccer, basketball, rugby 7’s, tennis, and golf. But who knows what the most popular sports will be in 2024!

The Most Popular Olympic Sports

You can't talk about the Olympics without talking about the most popular Olympic sports. These sports always draw the biggest crowds and generate the most excitement.


Gymnastics is one of the most popular Olympic sports, and for a good reason! It is a truly amazing and breathtaking display of strength, agility, and grace.

People often think of gymnastics as just routines on the balance beam and uneven bars, but there is so much more to it than that. Gymnasts also compete in events such as floor exercises, vaulting, and trampoline events.

Men and women compete separately in the Olympics, and each gender has its own set of events.

Table Tennis

Of all the Olympic sports, table tennis is one of the most popular. In fact, it's so popular that it's been a part of the Olympics since 1988!

Table tennis is a fast-paced and exciting sport that requires quick reflexes and lots of skill. It's no wonder it's so popular - it's a lot of fun to play! 

Track and Field

When it comes to the summer Olympics, track and field are always one of the most popular sports. And for a good reason! It's exciting, challenging, and incredibly rewarding to watch athletes compete in events like the 100-meter dash, the long jump, or the high jump.

If you're unfamiliar with track and field, here's a quick overview of the sport. Athletes participate in various running, jumping, and throwing events, each of which tests different physical abilities. 


Swimming is one of the most popular Olympic sports. In fact, it has been part of the Olympic Games since its inception in 1896. Swimmers compete in a wide variety of events, including freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke, and butterfly.

There are many reasons why swimming is so popular. For one, it's a very challenging sport that requires a great deal of athleticism and stamina. It's also a spectator-friendly event, with short and action-packed races.


Olympic weightlifting is a different sport that is incredibly popular with spectators. Each weightlifter is given three attempts, and the sum of the highest two successful lifts determines the overall score within a bodyweight category. The winner is given the distinction of being the strongest athlete in their weight class.


Since football is the most watched sport globally, it will always draw huge crowds. And its acceptance as an Olympic sport hasn't changed its appeal. Soccer wasn't an Olympic sport in the early years, but since it was included in the program and women's soccer was added in 1996, it has been a huge success.


Basketball is a hugely popular sport that always manages to draw a huge crowd. Played by two teams of five players each, the objective is to throw a round ball through a hoop that’s mounted 10 feet off the ground. It may seem simple, but trust us: the action is intense!

Rugby 7’s

You're all pumped up for the Olympics, but you're not sure what events to watch. Well, have no fear because we're here to help! Today, we'll be discussing the most popular Olympic sports.

Rugby 7's is one of the newer sports in the Olympics, having made its debut in Rio in 2016. But that doesn't mean it isn't popular! In fact, this fast-paced and exciting sport is quickly gaining ground around the world.


Are you a fan of tennis? If so, then you're in luck—tennis is one of the most popular Olympic sports! In fact, it's been a part of the Olympics since the very beginning.

The first recorded Olympic Games in 776 BC featured a tennis tournament, and the sport has been a mainstay ever since. These days, tennis is one of the most-watched events during the Olympics. If you're planning on tuning in this year, here are some things you should know.

The men's singles event is always one of the most popular matches, and this year promises to be no different. The top players in the world will be competing for the gold medal, so be sure to watch and see who comes out on top. Will it be Novak Djokovic, Roger Federer, or Rafael Nadal? Only time will tell!


So, these are the most popular Olympic sports. Each sport has its own unique set of challenges and excitement that draws athletes and spectators from all over the world.

If you’re curious about the Olympic Games – or any of the sports played at them – be sure to check out coverage online or on television. It’s an event that you won’t want to miss!